
Invite an acclaimed and established author of ten plus children's books, who holds a M.A. in elementary education, was selected as a Master Teacher for the NEA/BetterLesson's Master Teacher Project in 2014, and has thirteen plus years teaching experience in grades 1-5 into your school!
School Visits and Presentations Overview
CHILDREN’S PROGRAMS: 2024 -2025 School Year Offerings
Cozy Up with ONE HUG!
Audience Level: Baby through Pre-K Duration: 20-30 minutes Bring your favorite snuggle buddy to this cozy story time! Katrina will engage young readers with a mystery treasure chest of items related to the book to build excitement about literacy before reading. Then, she’ll read aloud the joyful and rhythmic ONE HUG. Finally, young readers will be invited to re-enact hugs from the book with their favorite stuffed animals. The presentation will end with a fun song/dance about hugs! Happy Book Birthday! (featuring any of Katrina's picture books) Grade Level: Pre-K through 2 Duration: 20-30 minutes It’s a book birthday! What does that mean? Katrina will engage young readers with a mystery treasure chest of items related to the book to build excitement about literacy, encourage authentic prediction making, and build background knowledge before reading her book. After reading, the audience will participate in a collaborative discussion to connect with the story, and will reread the story and illustrations for different purposes as book detectives. The presentation will end with a fun/inclusive whole group activity. Creating Magical & Memorable Characters! Grade Level: 1 through 5 Duration: 40-50 minutes In this inspiring and interactive presentation, Katrina will show students her character development process, and help them to create some fun characters of their own. Then, she'll engage young readers with a mystery treasure chest of items related to her main character of her Teeny Houdini Chapter book series and the plot of the books to build excitement about literacy, encourage authentic prediction making, and build background knowledge before reading her book. After reading an excerpt, the audience will participate in a collaborative discussion to connect with the story and character. Students will walk away with a “magical hat” full of tricks for creating a memorable, magical character, and the inspiration to write a story(ies) for their new character! WRITING WORKSHOP: Revise Your Writing Into a Pot Of Gold! Audience: Grades 2-Adult (available for conferences or classrooms) Audience Size: maximum 30 Duration: 1-2 hours Preparation: Audience should have a (writing) work in progress to bring to the workshop In this hands on workshop, I will share with writers the revision process that I use to turn my manuscripts from dust to gold. Using the power of productive critiquing and my RAINBOW REVISION technique, audience members will learn and then apply peer critique and revision skills to improve their own writing. In this workshop, revision has never been so collaborative, eye-opening, fun, or colorful! Audience will leave with techniques (and a resource) they can apply over and over again to their writing process. |
The Star In You *NEW beginning fall 2024!
Audience Level: Pre-K through 2 Duration: 20-30 minutes Be ready to be inspired! This exciting and uplifting presentation focuses on social-emotional learning pillars to help young readers realize they have a bright star inside of them. Katrina will connect with students' lives and communities to show them how they can be a bright light in their community. A behind the scenes look at how THE STAR IN YOU was born, sneak peeks at early drafts & author photographs, and an interactive read aloud of the story will leave little stars dreaming BIG! From the Seed of an Idea to a Sprouting Story Grade level: 1 through 5 Duration: 40-50 minutes From the Seed of an Idea to a Sprouting Story is an interactive presentation showing how Katrina’s life inspires her books. Katrina will show the audience a behind-the-scenes look at how a book is born, from the first seed of an idea to becoming a published book. She'll highlight the revision process and how it is both necessary and magical. Using a treasure chest of Katrina’s personal items, photographs, and personal writing journals, children gain knowledge and perspective of how a book is made, and how they can start developing their own writing habits to become better writers. Afterwards, Katrina reads one of her books, answers questions, and ends the presentation with a fun/inclusive activity. You Are A Legend *NEW beginning fall 2024! Grade level: 1 through 5 Duration: 40-50 minutes In this eye-opening, world & time traveling presentation, Katrina will take the audience on an adventure that explores legends from around the world, diving deep into where they come from, why they're told, and what they teach us. Then, she'll do an interactive read aloud of her modern retelling of CHANG'E ON THE MOON, followed by a Q&A. Finally, she'll teach the audience a few magical ingredients to writing their own timeless stories, and inspire them to be the star of their very own legend. |
- Writing Workshop: Revise Your Writing Into a Pot of Gold!
- Developing Young Writers
- Pacing, Page Turns, and Perfect Rhythm: A Hands-On Workshop to Transform your Picture Book Manuscript into an Incredible Page-Turner
- Lyrical Picture Books - Secrets to Make them Sing & Sell
- How to Read like a Writer - The Art of Studying Picture books
- Revise Your Writing Into A Pot of Gold! A Hands-On, Craft Focused Workshop
- Writing When You Have Zero Time or Energy to do so
- Writing Across Genres
- Navigating Agent-Author Relationships or Agent-Author-Editor Relationships
- The End...Or is it? Delivering Picture Book Endings that W.O.W!
- Crafting the Perfect Match Between Words and Illustrations in Picture Books
- Thinking Visually When You’re Not An Illustrator
"Your presentation was terrific! It was so detail oriented, had lots of great take-aways, and real, practical application, and made me feel inspired and excited to go back to my writing. I loved all the mentor book examples you showed, and you clearly know your stuff. I learned a lot from you."
-Participant, NJ SCBWI Conference 2023 Workshop
-Participant, NJ SCBWI Conference 2023 Workshop
“During Katrina’s webinar on how to craft Picture Book Endings that W.O.W, I took copious notes, and left inspired to WOW with my manuscripts. Her openness and candor of her process, not to mention examples, have given me insight into my approach and how to revisit my manuscripts with new eyes. She generously shared her incredible knowledge and love for children, books, and the industry. And her writing is exquisite!”
-Kathryn, Picture Book Endings that W.O.W 12x12 Webinar Attendee 2024
-Kathryn, Picture Book Endings that W.O.W 12x12 Webinar Attendee 2024
“As a former teacher myself… I loved her enthusiastic presentation! Her visual/kinesthetic style… powerful. I could tell she was an elem. teacher before she told us. Her love shines! This was incredible!”
-Picture Book Endings that W.O.W 12x12 Webinar Attendee
-Picture Book Endings that W.O.W 12x12 Webinar Attendee
*I want my audience to walk away inspired. If you have specific program needs or topics to address, I am willing to adapt a presentation to meet your needs! Please contact me through my website http://www.katrinamoorebooks.com to discuss details and set up a visit.
HONORARIUM *While standard rates apply, author fee varies depending on length of visit, number of presentations, travel expenses, special considerations, etc. Please contact me to set up a visit tailored to your needs. |
For Young Writers...
Here's a Writing Workshop Prompt I created for the Author's Everywhere Youtube Channel! In this 6 minute workshop, I'll help you boost your creativity and get ideas for writing by thinking about: "WHAT COULD GO WRONG?"
I had the honor of joining one of my author heroes, Grace Lin, on her Kids Ask Authors podcast to answer the question, "What books have you been reading when you were 7 years old?" Have a listen!
Listen to an interview on The Children's Book Podcast where I talk about GRUMPY NEW YEAR, the story behind the story, being grumpy, and connecting with family! Classroom ready to listen to, along with a full episode transcript, book information, discussion questions, and notable quotes from our interview.
Free & Fun Activity Sheets
Cross-curricular and fun: Phonics, Writing, SEL themed, Science, Poetry, Global Citizenship, Book Clubs, Creative Play, Imagination & Art activities, etc.
Click below to download the files.
Click below to download the files.
- GRUMPY NEW YEAR & GRANDPA GRUMPS Activities, Lunar New Year Lucky Envelope, DAISY Drawing, and more!
- It's a NEW YEAR and I'm PROUD TO ME, YEAR OF THE SNAKE Activity Sheet - 2025 Lunar New Year SEL & Coloring Activity
- THE STAR IN YOU Author Letter, Activity Sheets, & Classroom Resources, including Inspirational Poster
- Chang'E On The Moon Activity sheets, Discussion Questions, SEL & Reader's Response, & Writing Prompts
- ONE HUG activity sheets
- HOPE IS A HOPE activity sheets
- SOMETIMES LOVE activity sheets
- Thank You, Veteran letter templates
- Design and send a postcard!
- Meet My Pet! ALL ABOUT your real or imaginary pet
- Teeny Houdini: The Disappearing Act activity sheets
- Teeny Houdini: The Disappearing Act Discussion Questions & Writing Prompts